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#China stopped being a low-labor country many years ago” — Tim Cook explains the real reason why Apple relies on China.


They outsource it to NEW sweatshop nations. That's been ongoing for decades. Japan did it too... to the Philippines notably along with Malaysia. Saw that in the 1990s with ham and other radio gear @yogthos

@heretical_i if China was doing that in any significant way then we'd also see it start deindustrializing which it is not

@yogthos Comparing Chinese companies to US ones is ... at least... Sophomoric, if not Banal, no matter the source afaic.

@heretical_i @yogthos the pivot to high quality industry and tech was planned and announced at the 18th plenary session of the CCP national congress. Its literally been a thing china planned to do for nearly a decade. It was publicly announced.

And yet when they introduced a sub 7nm chipset for phones that is domestically produced the collective west clutched their pearls and fainted as if china had stolen fire from the gods themselves.